Monday, February 4, 2008

The Office and Eco Friendly 3-Ring Binders

I have to laugh when I talk to someone who says they are green because they recycle. While recycling is a very green practice and the heart of the movement, there is more to being green than recycling!

Look at your office products. Are they made of recycled materials? About 6 months ago, I started looking at EVERYTHING in my office to determine if I was using the most eco-friendly option available. I had some work to do.

I purchased a desk calendar made of recycled products and my year at-a-glance calendar is also made of recycled materials. I no longer purchase disposable pens and have opted for Cross pens (choose whatever brand you like) and just pitch the refills. And just today, my 3 ring binders made of corrugated cardboard (not plastic) just arrived. Next, instead of purchasing my ink from a well-known office supply store, I plan to purchase eco-friendly toner and ink cartridges instead.

When I moved my office, I was looking for eco-friendly furniture. Much of it was out of my budget, so I went to the local antique store and struck it rich when I found an elegant vintage desk and matching chair made of oak. And the price was a steal. No new trees cut down for me.

So think twice the next time you place that order at the office supply store. Ask yourself, "Is there a better option?"

Green Tip:
Eco Friendly 3-Ring Binders

Instead of using a 3-ring binder made of plastic materials, use one made of corrugated cardboard and is comprised of 35-38% recycled content. It's durable, recyclable and reusable.

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