Two days after the International Day of Climate Action, I think I have finally dried out. On Saturday, October 24th, 300-500 brave souls came out for the DC Rally and march down 16th Street to the White House. We were a site to see as a police escort, followed by a solar powered school bus and then a slew of cyclists led us to the White House in pouring, sometimes torrential, rain – all as we chanted, among other things, "Hey, Obama! Protect, your mamma!" (as in Mother Earth).
Check out some of my photos (Warning: I ain't no pro!).

But we weren't the only ones participating. People in 181 countries came together for the most widespread day of environmental action in the planet's history. At over 5200 events around the world, people gathered to call for strong action and bold leadership on the climate crisis. Check out over 15,000 photos at
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