Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Greening Your Office and Read tips for Greening Your Office

I read a statistic that 60% of paper in the United States is still not recycled. There is no excuse for this! Paper is EASY to recycle. When I talk to friends and colleagues about this, they shrug their shoulders and say, "We don't have a recycling program in our building."

So start one! Time is ticking! Office furniture may be challenging to recycle, file cabinets I can understand, but paper? Come on! Each employee should have a recycle bin at his/her desk and recycle every single scrap of paper that cannot be re-used (see my tips this week on re-using paper among other things). Items should be thrown in the trash ONLY as a last ditch option. It seems that too many people recycle paper on a whim. It needs to be a standard practice.

I heard a story about an office in New York City that ONLY had recycle bins at each desk. No trash can. If employees want to throw away trash, they have to go to a central location in the office. What a fabulous idea.

Green Tip:
Greening Your Office

» Read tips for Greening Your Office

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