Why I Plunge
Visiting the home of Mike Tidwell, the executive director of the Chesapeake Climate Action Network, in the summer of 2006 for one of his clean energy open houses turned me from light green to dark green. I credit CCAN for the sustainable practices I engage in at home and in my business and I’ve developed quite a passion for the fight against climate change. I’m trying to do my part to raise awareness about it and to help CCAN in their battle to change legislation. Accordingly, it has been my pleasure and honor to participate in their Annual Polar Bear Plunge for the previous 3 years even though I’m not a fan of the cold.
Make a Pledge!
If you'd like to make a pledge -- I'll take pledges of $5 to $500 -- go to my plunge page.
I Hope You’ll Join Me
I always have a great time at the Plunge. Seeing people of ALL ages is so inspiring and some folks wear amazing costumes. We drink great organic/fair trade coffee from Chesapeake Bay Roasting Company (we also provide hot tea and cocoa) and Dale Ball from New Leaf Vegan Society gets up at the crack of dawn to prepare her tasty vegan muffins and cookies. Be sure to get to the Plunge site early because Dale’s treats go fast! Our food and beverage spread always looks so nice because Perfect Settings party rental company donates the most beautiful table linens. And afterwards, Waste Neutral Group takes away all our waste – compost, recycling and the tiny bit that goes to the landfill.
The actual plunge itself is less than a minute. In fact, your time in the water is mere seconds. It’s a small sacrifice for a great cause.
Afterwards, we all head to an after party close by and nosh on great food and many of us have an adult beverage or two. This year, we’ll be at McLoone’s Pier House, a restaurant that cares about the environment.
If you'd like to join me, you can register at Keep Winter Cold.
Tips for an Effective Plunge
When I arrive at the Plunge site, I have my bathing suit on under my multiple layers of clothes (long johns under pants and about 3 or 4 layers up top). When it comes time to plunge, we all head into the heated tents to strip down to our suits. I then put on a bathrobe and wrap myself up in a blanket. I also bring a towel. For the previous 3 years, I’ve worn flip flops which is NOT a good choice because they fly off as soon as I hit the water. This time, my plunge attire will consist of a pair of old athletic shoes, my bathing suit, a hat, a scarf and some gloves. After the Plunge, we head back into the warm tents to change back into our warm clothes. Be sure to bring a Chico bag (or some other nylon bag – no plastic!) in which to place your suit and any other wet clothing.
If you are on the fence about plunging, I hope you’ll – pardon the pun – take the plunge and participate in the Plunge! You’ll have a great time!