- not use it as much (reduce)
- reuse it if I can
- recycle it when I can no longer use it anymore
Reuse - is it something that can be reused? From vases and stones and sand for floral arrangements to signs to informational brochures to beverage napkins that have been untouched by human hands.
Recycle - if your jurisdiction has a recycling program, use it to the max! If it doesn't, write your local officials about starting one. There is no better time than now to talk to your local officials about green initiatives! Before you thrown ANYTHING away, ask yourself, can this be recycled? Check out the list in my Green Tip of the Week provided by Co-op America . Another great site is www.earth911.com.
Green Tip:
Make a resolution to recycle more in 2008!
Co-op America has a fabulous list of 21 Things You Didn't Know You Can Recycle. From appliances and batteries and cloths to technotrash, toothbrushes and razors, you'll find it all here!